Friday, March 6, 2009


Lately, I have been addicted, if not obsessed, with taking pictures from my iPhone. My Facebook account is literally bombarded on a daily basis with mobile uploads from my everyday life. If you are already friends with me then this is definitely old news, but for those of you who are new to my site, I have taken the liberty of uploading some of my favorite shots from the old camera bag. It's camera is just good enough for me to feel like it's worthy of a's almost like taking a digital polaroid in the sense that, the original file is small, but also very effective for conveying a certain aesthetic. If you are a photographer and you haven't discovered this little gem of a tool, then I suggest you run to your local apple store and buy yourself an iPhone. Not only can you take photos and upload them immediately to your website and other social networks, you can do virtually anything else that you do on your laptop or home computer like email, iTunes and the internet. Either way, it will most certainly change your way of seeing and being connected to the outside world.

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