I went to Chicago for the first time...what a great city! My sister was there on business and had a few days to hang out, so I flew up to say hello and check out the city with her. We had Chicago style pizza, rode the ferris wheel, went to the museums and checked out the nightlife in Wicker Park with some friends. I can't wait to go back, there's so much more I still want to do.
I got a sweet gig shooting for Fuel TV. My good friend and talented photographer Tiffany Rose asked me to come shoot for their daily music show, The Daily Habit. It's a great opportunity to meet and photograph some of my favorite musicians and bands. These are shots from Alberta Cross and The Soft Pack. I get to see a live show on the set of Fuel TV, go backstage and take photos...not a bad days work. I love my job!
I was asked by my comedian and actor friend BJ " Honkey" Lange to come along and photograph the international No Pants Day Metro Ride in LA for GuerilLa Improv. We started the Metro ride at Union Station and rode pantless to Hollywood and Highland in Los Angeles, CA. This was LA's 2nd annual No Pants Day. It was an awesome and fun pantless photo shoot...GuerilLA participated in Improv Everywhere’s NO PANTS 2010 international mission on Sunday, where they "encourage everyone to travel pants-less throughout the Metro system that day."
I went back home to Texas for Christmas and New Years 2010. It is always so nice to be around my family and friends. I got to shoot guns, see fireworks, eat bubba burgers and relax. I love Texas!